Monday, April 27, 2009

Follow Coquette on Twitter

Coquette's Tweeting Too!

Twitter represents simplicity at its finest by giving everyone the opportunity to give value to their followers as well as gain value from those they are following.

The second we heard about Twitter, we knew Coquette had to be a part of it. With so much information to be shared with the public about what's going on inside the business along with helpful tips and tricks to make lingerie shopping fun and simple for you!

We are keeping on top of social media sites and up to date with everything current. Staying informed is certainly an important part of effective marketing in today's 2.0 social media world. In the midst of popular social media sites such as: myspace, facebook, slickr, youtube and hundreds of others, one simple and sweet social media site has caught the attention of people world wide. From entrepreneurs, celebrities, businesses and millions of every day people around the globe expressing what exactly they're doing in a short 140 characters.

We are extremely proud to be a part of the Twitter revolution and promise to tweet regularly to inform you of what's hot, new and happening behind Coquette's doors. Twitter is a fabulous simple way to keep in touch with fellow businesses and customers as well as to provide a more personable experience while distributing information, allowing for comments, opinions and questions from followers.

One of the most important points to remember when tweeting is that it's not all about you and the business your representing, you need to interact with your followers and respect their thoughts and opinions as well. The diversity Twitter provides is remarkable and the opportunity for interaction is at its best with people from all walks of life, offering value to each other within one simple means of communication.

Follow us under the user name: CoquetteApparel . In the future we will be hosting contests, providing discounts as well as give aways! Look forward to hearing your tweets!

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